(covering EBS 11i, R12 and 12.2, but focusing mainly on EBS 12.2)
Some might say: "the blog turned into a book", but it was not actually the case for me.
Our story has begun in the spring of 2015. Syeed Zaheer(my coauthor and friend) and I have written and reviewed approximately 800 pages since that time.
After all the efforts, hard work, dedication and patience, I 'm pleased the announce that my book, "Practical Oracle E-Business Suite" has released and it is now available on
Amazon Link:
R12: (12.1 & 12.0):
*LOGIN as APPS user
n_component_id number;
l_errcode number;
l_errstr varchar2(4000);
select component_id into n_component_id from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
FND_SVC_COMPONENT.stop_Component(n_Component_Id, l_errcode, l_errstr);
n_component_id number;
l_errcode number;
l_errstr varchar2(4000);
select component_id into n_component_id from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
FND_SVC_COMPONENT.start_Component(n_Component_Id, l_errcode, l_errstr);
select component_status from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
(covering EBS 11i, R12 and 12.2, but focusing mainly on EBS 12.2)
Some might say: "the blog turned into a book", but it was not actually the case for me.
Our story has begun in the spring of 2015. Syeed Zaheer(my coauthor and friend) and I have written and reviewed approximately 800 pages since that time.
After all the efforts, hard work, dedication and patience, I 'm pleased the announce that my book, "Practical Oracle E-Business Suite" has released and it is now available on
Official website of Practical Oracle E-Business Suite :
This book is a complete Implementation and Management Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Although we have focused on the latest EBS 12.2 release in this book, key areas in R12.1 are also covered wherever necessary.
This book is a complete Implementation and Management Guide for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Although we have focused on the latest EBS 12.2 release in this book, key areas in R12.1 are also covered wherever necessary.
This book is the one and only book written for EBS 12.2.
R12: (12.1 & 12.0):
12.2 dual fs: (latest release -- as of 26.04.2018)
Internal server error oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException:FND_NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION.
--This error is prouced on EBS Version 12.1.3 (note that it can be encountered in lower versions too).
Not that , This error is hard to be found on the logfiles sometimes.. For example if there are multiple oacore services in the environment, then only the web sessions, which are assigned to this problematic oacore process will face this error.. So this can make us think that it s a client problem rather than a system problem...
Reference Oracle Support Doc id: 1298103.1
For 12.1.3 patch : 1406950 will fix the issue.
Column Name: PHASE_CODE
Value Meaning
C Completed
I Inactive
P Pending
R Running
Column Name: STATUS_CODE
Value Meaning
D Cancelled
U Disabled
E Error
M No Manager
R Normal
I Normal
C Normal
H On Hold
W Paused
B Resuming
P Scheduled
Q Standby
S Suspended
X Terminated
T Terminating
A Waiting
Z Waiting
G Warning
apply Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run in test mode.Default: y
driver Purpose: Tells AutoPatch the name of the patch driver file. This is usually used during non-interactive processing.
patchtop Purpose: Tells AutoPatch the top-level directory for the current patch. This is normally used during non-interactive processing. Values: A fully qualified directory name.
preinstall Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run in pre-install mode. Pre-install mode is used to update AD utilities before an upgrade and to apply pre-upgrade patches.
uploadph Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to upload patch history information from the patch information files
AutoPatch Options
The options= argument is used to pass generic options to AutoPatch. It takes the form of a comma-separated list. Enter one option or a comma-separated list of options. For example, options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion. As with AutoPatch arguments, there must be no space after the comma.
autoconfig Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to run AutoConfig automatically.Default: autoconfig
Use options=noautoconfig if you are applying a number of patches in sequence and want to run AutoConfig once, after applying the last patch of the sequence. The more common method is to merge the patches first with AD Merge Patch.
checkfile Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to either skip running EXEC, SQL, and EXECTIER commands if they are recorded as already run, or to record them as having run after running them. checkfile provides significant performance benefits.
compiledb Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to automatically compile invalid objects in the database after running actions normally found in the database portion of the driver. Use nocompiledb for standard patch translations, documentation patches, and documentation patch translations. Use options=nocompiledb to save time when multiple non-merged patches are applied in a maintenance window.
compilejsp Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to automatically compile out-of-date JSP files. JSP files are only compiled if the patch contains copy actions for at least one JSP file.compilejsp for standard patches. nocompilejsp for standard patch translations, documentation patches, and documentation patch translations.
Use options=nocompilejsp to save time when multiple non-merged patches are applied in a maintenance window.
copyportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the copy portion of the driver.
databaseportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the database portion of the driver.
generateportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the generate portion of the driver. Use options=nogenerateportion to tell AutoPatch not to perform generate actions of the driver.
hotpatch Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to apply a patch regardless of whether the Oracle E-Business Suite system is in Maintenance mode.Default: nohotpatch
integrity Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to verify that the version of each file referenced in a copy action matches the version present in the patch.Default: nointegrity, nointegrity is safe and avoids some AutoPatch overhead.
maintenancemode Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to enable Maintenance mode at the beginning of a patch session and disable it at the end (if patch application was successful). Default: nomaintenancemode
parallel Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run actions that update the database in parallel (such as SQL) and actions that generate files in parallel (such as genform).
Default: parallel Comments: Oracle does not recommend changing the default, as Oracle E-Business Suite patches are tested on systems using parallel processing.
phtofile Purpose: Tells AutoPatch where to place patch history information after applying the patch.
Default: nophtofile. Use options=phtofile to tell AutoPatch to write patch history information to the patch information files in the file system ($APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK) instead of uploading it to the database. Comments: Using phtofile allows you to defer the uploading of patch history information to the database until after the system downtime. Use the adpatch uploadph=y command to upload patch history information from the patch information files (in $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK) to the database during uptime.
validate Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to connect to all registered Oracle E-Business Suite schemas at the start of the patch. Use options=validate to validate password information for all Oracle E-Business Suite schemas. Comments: Useful for finding problems with incorrectly registered Oracle E-Business Suite schemas or schemas with invalid passwords.
XML publisher/BI Publisher is a template based reporting tool. Multiple templates can be deployed for the same report and generate different layouts for the same report.
XML publisher is integrated to EBS. In EBS templates are deployed through Templates Manager.
EBS reports can be generated in different formats like PDF,RTF,HTML by using XML Publisher . XML publisher takes xml and layout templates as inputs and produces outputs based on these inputs.
Following diagram clearly describes these process;
EBS R12 LOG FILES LOCATIONS ( They are located in $LOG_HOME which is $INST_TOP/logs)
Concurrent Reqeust related logs:
$LOG_HOME/appl/conc -> Concurrent requests log and out files
$LOG_HOME/appl/admin -> lApps tier startup scripts log files
Apache Logs (10.1.3 Home = iAS Oracle Home) :
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache -> Location for Apache Error and Access log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee -> location for j2ee related log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn -> location for opmn related log files
Forms & Reports related logs (10.1.2 = 806 Oracle Home(in R11))
1)perl $AD_TOP/bin/ appspass=apps contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>_hostname.xml -removeserver
2)connect with sqlplus apps/apps and run the following
FND_NET_SERVICES.remove_server('<SID>', '<hostname>');
3) Run autoconfig on application tier
4) Check fnd_nodes to see ip 's are reflected...
select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F,
support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip
from fnd_nodes
order by node_id;
Look for the hardcoded old IP Address in the following files on the DB tier
a) listener.ora
b) tnsnames.ora (Local Naming) or check if any other naming method is used to resolve address.
Check if any of the parameter using the old IP Address
Column Name: PHASE_CODE
Value Meaning
C Completed
I Inactive
P Pending
R Running
Column Name: STATUS_CODE
Value Meaning
D Cancelled
U Disabled
E Error
M No Manager
R Normal
I Normal
C Normal
H On Hold
W Paused
B Resuming
P Scheduled
Q Standby
S Suspended
X Terminated
T Terminating
A Waiting
Z Waiting
G Warning
apply Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run in test mode.Default: y
driver Purpose: Tells AutoPatch the name of the patch driver file. This is usually used during non-interactive processing.
patchtop Purpose: Tells AutoPatch the top-level directory for the current patch. This is normally used during non-interactive processing. Values: A fully qualified directory name.
preinstall Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run in pre-install mode. Pre-install mode is used to update AD utilities before an upgrade and to apply pre-upgrade patches.
uploadph Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to upload patch history information from the patch information files
AutoPatch Options
The options= argument is used to pass generic options to AutoPatch. It takes the form of a comma-separated list. Enter one option or a comma-separated list of options. For example, options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion. As with AutoPatch arguments, there must be no space after the comma.
autoconfig Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to run AutoConfig automatically.Default: autoconfig
Use options=noautoconfig if you are applying a number of patches in sequence and want to run AutoConfig once, after applying the last patch of the sequence. The more common method is to merge the patches first with AD Merge Patch.
checkfile Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to either skip running EXEC, SQL, and EXECTIER commands if they are recorded as already run, or to record them as having run after running them. checkfile provides significant performance benefits.
compiledb Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to automatically compile invalid objects in the database after running actions normally found in the database portion of the driver. Use nocompiledb for standard patch translations, documentation patches, and documentation patch translations. Use options=nocompiledb to save time when multiple non-merged patches are applied in a maintenance window.
compilejsp Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to automatically compile out-of-date JSP files. JSP files are only compiled if the patch contains copy actions for at least one JSP file.compilejsp for standard patches. nocompilejsp for standard patch translations, documentation patches, and documentation patch translations.
Use options=nocompilejsp to save time when multiple non-merged patches are applied in a maintenance window.
copyportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the copy portion of the driver.
databaseportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the database portion of the driver.
generateportion Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run commands normally found in the generate portion of the driver. Use options=nogenerateportion to tell AutoPatch not to perform generate actions of the driver.
hotpatch Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to apply a patch regardless of whether the Oracle E-Business Suite system is in Maintenance mode.Default: nohotpatch
integrity Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to verify that the version of each file referenced in a copy action matches the version present in the patch.Default: nointegrity, nointegrity is safe and avoids some AutoPatch overhead.
maintenancemode Purpose: Tells AutoPatch to enable Maintenance mode at the beginning of a patch session and disable it at the end (if patch application was successful). Default: nomaintenancemode
parallel Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to run actions that update the database in parallel (such as SQL) and actions that generate files in parallel (such as genform).
Default: parallel Comments: Oracle does not recommend changing the default, as Oracle E-Business Suite patches are tested on systems using parallel processing.
phtofile Purpose: Tells AutoPatch where to place patch history information after applying the patch.
Default: nophtofile. Use options=phtofile to tell AutoPatch to write patch history information to the patch information files in the file system ($APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK) instead of uploading it to the database. Comments: Using phtofile allows you to defer the uploading of patch history information to the database until after the system downtime. Use the adpatch uploadph=y command to upload patch history information from the patch information files (in $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK) to the database during uptime.
validate Purpose: Tells AutoPatch whether to connect to all registered Oracle E-Business Suite schemas at the start of the patch. Use options=validate to validate password information for all Oracle E-Business Suite schemas. Comments: Useful for finding problems with incorrectly registered Oracle E-Business Suite schemas or schemas with invalid passwords.
XML publisher/BI Publisher is a template based reporting tool. Multiple templates can be deployed for the same report and generate different layouts for the same report.
XML publisher is integrated to EBS. In EBS templates are deployed through Templates Manager.
EBS reports can be generated in different formats like PDF,RTF,HTML by using XML Publisher . XML publisher takes xml and layout templates as inputs and produces outputs based on these inputs.
Following diagram clearly describes these process;
EBS R12 LOG FILES LOCATIONS ( They are located in $LOG_HOME which is $INST_TOP/logs)
Concurrent Reqeust related logs:
$LOG_HOME/appl/conc -> Concurrent requests log and out files
$LOG_HOME/appl/admin -> lApps tier startup scripts log files
Apache Logs (10.1.3 Home = iAS Oracle Home) :
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache -> Location for Apache Error and Access log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/j2ee -> location for j2ee related log files
$LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/opmn -> location for opmn related log files
Forms & Reports related logs (10.1.2 = 806 Oracle Home(in R11))
Usage Example:
sh xxefa TEST oracle1 XXEFA XXEFA XXEFA_TBS TEMPPROD /u2/oradata/u2/xxefa_01.dbf 1000M
### This script should be executed by the application owner
### Before, executing this script, apps environment should be sourced. APPS{SID}_{hostname}.env
### 1. parameter -> name of the custom top (lowercase) example: xxefa
### 2. parameter- > Ebs database SID
### 3. parameter -> System user password
### 4. parameter -> Db user name that is going to be created for the new application
### 5. parameter -> Password of the db user that is going to be created for the new application
### 6. parameter -> Tablespace name that will be created for the new user.
### 7. parameter -> Existing Temp tablespace that will be used by the new user
### 8. parameter -> Datafile full path with datafile name . This datafile will be created while creating the new tablespace
### 9. parameter -> datafile size 1000M
### Checking Command line argument count ###
if test $# -lt 9;
echo Lacking argument.. Please provide 9 arguments
echo " Usage :
Script calistirilmadan once application environment source edilmis olmalidir. APPS{SID}_{hostname}.env
This script should be executed by the application owner
Before, executing this script, apps environment should be sourced. APPS{SID}_{hostname}.env
1. parameter -> name of the custom top (lowercase) example: xxefa
2. parameter- > Ebs database SID
3. parameter -> System user password
4. parameter -> Db user name that is going to be created for the new application
5. parameter -> Password of the db user that is going to be created for the new application
6. parameter -> Tablespace name that will be created for the new user.
7. parameter -> Existing Temp tablespace that will be used by the new user
8. parameter -> Datafile full path with datafile name . This datafile will be created while creating the new tablespace
9. parameter -> datafile size 1000M
echo Script is executed by user = `whoami`
echo "Continue? (Y or N) Y for continue , N for abort"
read Cevap1
if [ $Cevap1 == "N" ]
echo Program closed.
echo " Is apps environment set? ( Y or N) Y for continue , N for abort"
read Cevap2
if [ $Cevap2 == "N" ]
echo Program closed
### Creating Directory structure. ####
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/admin
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/admin/sql
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/admin/odf
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/sql
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/bin
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/reports
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/reports/US
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/forms
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/forms/US
mkdir $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/$APPLLIB
mkdir -p $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/$APPLOUT
mkdir -p $APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0/$APPLLOG
### Adding custom product top to topfile.txt..
cd admin
echo $1 $APPL_TOP >> topfile.txt
### Adding new Custom top to the default custom environment file
function toUpper { echo $1 | tr [a-z] [A-Z]; } ## uppercase e cevirme fonksiyonunu tanimladik
echo export `toUpper $1`_TOP=$APPL_TOP/$1/11.5.0 >> $APPL_TOP/custom`echo $2`_`hostname -a`.env
### Connecting to db and creating tablespace and user
sqlplus system/$3 << EOF
create tablespace $6 datafile '$8' size $9 default storage(initial 10k next 10k);
create user $4 identified by "$5" default tablespace $6 temporary tablespace $7 quota unlimited on $6 ;
grant connect, resource to $4;
### Environment is sourced again
. $APPL_TOP/APPS`echo $2`_`hostname -a`.env
### Script completed . Check above for the error.. If there are errors produced, run the script after correcting them. Error handling is not done in this script, because this script will not be used by the end users.
Oracle E-Business Suite R12 changing IP addres
1)perl $AD_TOP/bin/ appspass=apps contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>_hostname.xml -removeserver
2)connect with sqlplus apps/apps and run the following
FND_NET_SERVICES.remove_server('<SID>', '<hostname>');
3) Run autoconfig on application tier
4) Check fnd_nodes to see ip 's are reflected...
select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F,
support_web W, node_name, server_id, server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip
from fnd_nodes
order by node_id;
Look for the hardcoded old IP Address in the following files on the DB tier
a) listener.ora
b) tnsnames.ora (Local Naming) or check if any other naming method is used to resolve address.
Check if any of the parameter using the old IP Address
Oracle E-Business Suite Starting/Stopping Notification Mailer with PLSQL
n_component_id number;
l_errcode number;
l_errstr varchar2(4000);
select component_id into n_component_id from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
FND_SVC_COMPONENT.stop_Component(n_Component_Id, l_errcode, l_errstr);
n_component_id number;
l_errcode number;
l_errstr varchar2(4000);
select component_id into n_component_id from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
FND_SVC_COMPONENT.start_Component(n_Component_Id, l_errcode, l_errstr);
select component_status from fnd_svc_components
where component_name='Workflow Notification Mailer';
EBS PRESENTATION -- Oracle Applications Concepts
This presentation was prepared to create an general understanding on Oracle EBS technologies, as well as to give information about the tools that a developer may need to use within the EBS system. It was presented to EBS developers and functional users ... It covers general information about topics such as general architecture, file locations, cloning, gathering diagnostics, tracing , monitoring and etc.
EBS PRESENTATION -- Oracle Applications Concepts
This presentation was prepared to create an general understanding on Oracle EBS technologies, as well as to give information about the tools that a developer may need to use within the EBS system. It was presented to EBS developers and functional users ... It covers general information about topics such as general architecture, file locations, cloning, gathering diagnostics, tracing , monitoring and etc.
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Harry Taieb , and I'm a DBA Oracle Applications at BezeqBenLeumi Company
Is there a way to download the following Presentations :
- "EBS PRESENTATION -- Oracle Applications Concepts"
- "Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 System Administration & Apps DBA presentation"
My Email :
Thank's in advance
Cant you just make your presentation from this website?
ReplyDeleteJust click on a slide/picture and use the arrow keys to go next/previous slides..
Hi Erman,
ReplyDeleteI have Some doubts can u clarify it.
Yes Zubair, what is it?
ReplyDeleteHow to Troubleshoot Long Running request.
ReplyDeleteIn PCP if we down the CM in one node will it down CM on all the nodes
For front end and forms what r the areas we need to check to troubleshoot.
For your PCP question,
ReplyDeletethe answer is Yes. There will be one ICM altough you have multiple application CM nodes. So if you stop the Concurrent Managers from the node where your ICM is started, then this action will stop the concurrent managers on the second node too.
check this one; Concurrent Managers Will Only Start on One Node in PCP/RAC Environment (Doc ID 264296.1)
In addition;
Ref: Oracle® Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration Release 12 Part No. B31453-01
Initially, a concurrent manager is started on its defined primary node, or if none exists,
the node that the ICM assigns to it. In case of node or ORACLE instance failure, all
concurrent managers on that node migrate to their respective secondary nodes if
The Internal Concurrent Manager can run on any node, and can activate and deactivate
concurrent managers on all nodes. Since the Internal Concurrent Manager must be
active at all times, it needs high fault tolerance. To provide this fault tolerance, parallel
concurrent processing uses Internal Monitor Processes
The sole job of an Internal Monitor Process is to monitor the Internal Concurrent
Manager and to restart that manager should it fail. The first Internal Monitor Process to
detect that the Internal Concurrent Manager has failed restarts that manager on its own
Only one Internal Monitor Process can be active on a single node. You decide which
nodes have an Internal Monitor Process when you configure your system. You can also
assign each Internal Monitor Process a primary and a secondary node to ensure failover
For the throubleshooting,
I share you the documents. These docs will help you on throubleshooting,
NOTE:601719.1 - How To Generate And Collect OAF Debug Logs For Self Service Applications, E.g. SSHR
R12, 12.1 - How To Enable and Collect Debug for HTTP, OC4J and OPMN (Doc ID 422419.1)
R12: Forms Runtime Diagnostics (FRD), Tracing And Logging For Forms In Oracle Applications (Doc ID 438652.1)
How To Collect And Use Forms Trace (FRD) in Oracle Applications Release 12 (Doc ID 373548.1)
Troubleshooting Assistant: EBS Technology Stack (Doc ID 1607365.2)
IF your env is 12.2 ->
EBS 12.2 - Summary Of The Login Process And What To Expect When One Of The Components Fails (Doc ID 1984710.1)
Oracle Applications E-Business Suite 12.2 Fusion Middleware Log Files: Locate,View, and Control (Doc ID 1366187.1)
there is no concept of availablity in PCP if one node is down then all the managers migrate to other u said ok if they r defined.When iam appling a patch on one node i need to down all the services including CM at that time CM wont be available in other node.
DeleteYou must follow the test cases, for example your OS should not be pingable;
ReplyDeletePrimary Testcase: Node does not respond to OS ping anymore.
Please note for the current setup we can only test if Node 2 does not respond to the OS ping anymore .This can be done by disconnecting the network cable for the Node2 and subsequently issuing an operating system ping on the machine name to ensure that it is not available/reachable anymore.
Expected Result :
As a result of this the managers running on Node2 (including ICM,CRM, etc, as defined in previous table) are all migrated to Node1. Once the Node2 is available again, i.e responds to the OS ping, ICM will failback to it. If Apps Listener is currently running on Node2, other managers will failback as well.
Alternative Testcase: Listener Failure test:
ReplyDeletea. When both Nodes have Apps Listeners running and respond to OS ping, and we try to kill the ICM process by issuing a kill -9 command for the FNDLIBR process id , the ICM will be started by Internal Monitor on either node. If this node is not primary node, ICM will migrate to primary node.
b. When Apps Listener on Node2 is brought down and we try to kill the ICM process and Standard manager process by issuing a kill -9 command for the FNDLIBR process id , the ICM will still start on Node2. However, ICM will not be able to start Standard manager on Node2 anymore since service manager cannot be spawned. Standard manager will NOT failover to Node1 as Node2 is pingable and Apps Listener is expected to be up and running. Once the Apps Listener is brought up (using on Node2, Standard Manager will be started.
c. When both nodes respond to OS ping, Apps Listener is down on Node2 and managers are started using, the managers with primary node defined as Node2 will be started on Node1. When Apps Listener is later started on Node2, the managers will failback to it.
Killing the processes manually is not a valid test for failover and failback.
Apps Listener availability is checked at initial start of concurrent managers ( Once managers are started, Apps Listener is expected to be up running if node is pingable.
Ok fine thank u.
ReplyDeleteI have one more doubt if users are telling application is slow then from which area we need to start troubleshooting and end where.
Can u ping the issues which u have faced in apps 11i and r12
ReplyDeleteand there troubleshoot
It depends on the type of slowness.
ReplyDeleteIn general, I would start with a network test(client and server connections), then check OS level using OS utilities. If the problem is in Application server components;I would check their logs and enable debug if appropriate. I generally use AWR and ASH reports for checking the database site.
Alsoı I would check the Recommended Performance Patches .
This question is a general / generic one, so I can answer generally like above.
It depends on the type of slowness.
ReplyDeleteIn general, I would start with a network test(client and server connections), then check OS level using OS utilities. If the problem is in Application server components;I would check their logs and enable debug if appropriate. I generally use AWR and ASH reports for checking the database site.
Alsoı I would check the Recommended Performance Patches .
This question is a general / generic one, so I can answer generally like above.
what is scan listner definition
ReplyDeleteHi Zubair,
ReplyDeletePlease read the following blogspots to understand the scan listeners.
Hi, Thank u
ReplyDeleteone more question how to analyse a patch in 11i and r12 application from front end and backend
What do you mean by analyzing?
ReplyDeleteIf you mean knowing what a patch is created for, read the README file of the patch. This will be front ent for you.
You can also download a patch zip file, unzip it , open the driver file( uXXXX.drv) with an editor and see its contents. There you will see the actions that are done by the patch..
For example: following is gathered from a patch driver file. Here, the patch is instructed to run a sql script. So you can open that sql script and see what is used for and so on.. This way you can make an analysis if you are asking it..
# Actions for Applying Database Objects #
# Phase PLS - Create Package Specifications
# file-version-parsed cle patch/115/admin/sql CLEF150GLRAPIS.pls 120.2.12020000.1
sql cle patch/115/admin/sql CLEF150GLRAPIS.pls none none none package &phase=pls checkfile:cle:patch/115/admin/sql:CLEF150GLRAPIS.pls
Ya i know that but devepoer ask can u give the patch impact analysis for the patch for that we need to do it from frontend
ReplyDeleteyou cant do such an impact analysis from frontend and also I dont understand what you mean by frontend, so I suppose that you are talking about EBS admin related web pages.
ReplyDeleteThe technical impact analysis of a patch can be made by reading and interpreting the things written in the patch driver file as I mentioned above.
hi erman
ReplyDeletei need to apply one off patch in i have 4 node application 2 node cm PCP and 2 node app
how i need to down the application and apply the patch and up the application
its urgent
ReplyDeleteits not a shared application tier
ReplyDeleteYou need to patch all the APPL_TOPS, starting from the node which is admin and where the Concurrent Managers run.
ReplyDeleteReference Oracle :
Running a Unified Driver on Multiple Nodes:
Requirement: How do I run a unified driver patch on a multi-node system?
Apply the unified driver to all APPL_TOPs. AutoPatch determines which actions in the
unified driver are required for the current APPL_TOP.
To apply a unified driver on multiple nodes
1. Complete Steps 1 through to 9 in Applying a Patch Interactively, page 5-7.
2. Apply the unified driver on the node where the administration server is located.
3. Apply the unified driver on the node where the concurrent processing server is
4. Start the concurrent managers.
5. Apply the unified driver on the remaining nodes in the application tier.
6. Disable Maintenance mode.
Use the Change Maintenance Mode menu of AD Administration to disable
Maintenance mode. See: Changing Maintenance Mode, Oracle E-Business Suite
Maintenance Utilities.
7. Start other services and restart the Web services, if necessary.
Check this doc as well:
ReplyDeleteSo you will shut down all the application services on all nodes, apply the patch starting from admin node and then continue with the node that has the Concurrent managers. When you finish with the node where conc manager reside, start the concurrent managers.
ReplyDeleteAfter that apply the patch all the remaining nodes and lastly disable maintanence mode and open all the services on those remaining nodes..
ReplyDeleteAfter this point, please use my forum to ask me question. Create an issue there and ask your question.
I already have a forum for this. So I will not answer questions from here.
Dear Erman,
ReplyDeleteKindly I would like to ask a question, If oracle E-business R 12.2.4 certified with oracle database ?
thank you
At the moment No . EBS 12.2.4 is not certified with .
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate information shared above. It’s of great help. If someone want to learn Online (Virtual) instructor lead live training in Oracle EBS.kindly contact us
ReplyDeleteMaxMunus Offer World Class Virtual Instructor led training on Oracle EBS. We have industry expert trainer. We provide Training Material and Software Support. MaxMunus has successfully conducted 100000+ trainings in India, USA, UK, Australlia, Switzerland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Bahrain and UAE etc.
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Hi Erman,
ReplyDeleteI am getting below error while adop prepare,can u help?
*** Log File = /d01/appl_prod/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/3/prepare_20180426_194025/PROD_erpnode2/TXK_SYNC_create_Thu_Apr_26_19_44_55_2018/txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize_Thu_Apr_26_19_44_55_2018.log
*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/
TIME : Thu Apr 26 19:45:08 2018
FUNCTION: TXK::FileSys::getDirList [ Level 3 ]
No read access for directory /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps
Access permission error on /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps
Directory /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps not readable
at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 168
TXK::Error::abort('TXK::Error', 'HASH(0x282eaf8)') called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 299
TXK::Common::doError('TXK::FileSys=HASH(0x3c47de0)', 'No read access for directory /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps', undef) called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 314
TXK::Common::setError('TXK::FileSys=HASH(0x3c47de0)', 'No read access for directory /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps') called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 735
TXK::FileSys::getDirList('TXK::FileSys=HASH(0x3c47de0)', 'HASH(0x3c41b48)') called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ line 2593
main::getBackupCount('/d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps', 'appl') called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ line 2646
main::getBackupsAvailable() called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ line 1475
main::checkSpaceAvailability() called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ line 1756
main::createPatchApplTop() called at /d01/appl_prod/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ line 537
[ERROR] Error occurred while executing
[ERROR] Error occurred while CLONE PATCH FS with RUN FS using command: .
[STATEMENT] fs_clone phase completed with errors/warnings. Please check logfiles
[ERROR] Error while runPendingClone sub-routine is called
[STATEMENT] [START 2018/04/26 19:45:13] Check and Stop Patch Admin Server
[STATEMENT] There is a pending clone session for /d01/appl_prod/fs2.
[STATEMENT] Skipping Check and Stop Patch Admin Server Step.
[STATEMENT] [END 2018/04/26 19:45:17] Check and Stop Patch Admin Server
[STATEMENT] Prepare phase completed with errors/warnings. Please check logfiles
[STATEMENT] PREPARE Phase END TIME: 26-04-2018 19:45:20
[STATEMENT] [START 2018/04/26 19:45:22] Unlocking sessions table
[STATEMENT] [END 2018/04/26 19:45:23] Unlocking sessions table
[STATEMENT] Log file: /d01/appl_prod/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/3/adop_20180426_194025.log
adop exiting with status = 1 (Fail)
Hi Glory,
ReplyDeleteThe error is clear. It is a permission error. You should configure the directory permissions properly. (No read access for directory /d01/_prod/fs2/EBSapps)
Hi Mr Erman,
ReplyDeleteCan I Ask a question for ORACLE EBS 11i ADD CUSTOM TOP SCRIPT
If this process down We can Restart using EBS GUI(Administrator Concurrent Manager) Our EBS system there is spesific control a procces so that, if there is any error we can restart this procces with GUI, I want to restart it with CLI. Is it possible?