Example Start script:
export MIDDLEWARE_HOME=/u2/Oracle/Middleware
export DOMAIN_HOME=$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/Discoverer
export WL_HOME=$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/wlserver_10.3
export ORACLE_HOME=/u2/Oracle/Middleware/as_1
export ORACLE_INSTANCE=/u2/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1
rm -rf nohup.out
rm -rf /tmp/wls_start.log
rm -rf /tmp/start_nodemanager.log
rm -rf /tmp/start_mgdwls.log
nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startWebLogic.sh -Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic123 > /tmp/startWebLogic.log &
nohup $WL_HOME/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh > /tmp/startNodeManager.log &
sleep 60
nohup $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh WLS_DISCO > /tmp/startManagedWebLogic.log &
sleep 60
$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall
$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl status
Example Stop script
export MIDDLEWARE_HOME=/u2/Oracle/Middleware
export DOMAIN_HOME=$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/Discoverer
export WL_HOME=$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/wlserver_10.3
export ORACLE_HOME=/u2/Oracle/Middleware/as_1
export ORACLE_INSTANCE=/u2/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1
$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status
$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh WLS_DISCO weblogic weblogic123
kill -9 `ps -ef |grep oradisco | awk '{print $2}'`
Example Urls:
Administrator Console: http://hostname:7002/console
EMAgent URL: http://hostname:5155/emd/main
Discoverer Viewer URL: http://hostname:8090/discoverer/viewer
Discoverer Plus URL: http://hostname:8090/discoverer/plus
Parameters is passed as -> http://hostname:8090/discoverer/plus?parameter_name=parameter_value
For example, to force english login we use nls_lang parameter as follows;
Parameter and Values | Description | Example |
cn=<connection ID> | Specifies the connection containing the login details with which to start Discoverer (for more information about how to find out the connection ID of a connection, see Section 13.4.3, "How to find out the connection ID of a connection").
For an example, see Section 13.5.4, "Example 4: Starting Discoverer without prompting for connection details".
For more information about using Discoverer connections in URLs, see Section 13.3, "About specifying login information using URL parameters".
See also Notes below.
| cn=cf_m2 |
cs=[APPS_SECURE]<dbc file name> | Specifies whether to connect in secure mode. <dbc file name> refers to the Applications DBC file that contains Applications connection information. | cs=[APPS_SECURE]genledger_payables |
eul=<EUL name> | Specifies the name of the EUL to which to connect. You only need to specify this parameter if you want to override the default EUL.
Note: EUL names are case-sensitive.
| eul=myEUL |
nls_date_format=<date format> | Specifies the default date format for the session. | nls_date_format='MM/DD/YY' |
nls_date_language=<date language> | Specifies the language for day and month names displayed in Discoverer. | nls_date_language=Spanish |
nls_lang=<language> | Specifies the language and territory that Discoverer uses.
Use Oracle naming conventions to specify language and territory.
| nls_lang=spanish_spain |
nls_numeric_characters=<separator characters> | Specifies the default characters to use as the decimal and group separator.
You must specify the decimal separator first, followed by the group separator.
| nls_numeric_characters='.,' |
nls_sort=<sort name or binary> | Specifies the session collating sequence for ORDER BY queries and string comparisons, as follows:
| nls_sort=binary |
nls_sort=<sort type> | Specifies a character sort sequence. For more information about the nls_sort command, see Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide. | nls_sort=XSpanish |
reuseConnection=<true or false> | Specifies whether end users must always enter a password when using URL links containing the same login details in a browser session.
Note: Use this preference with private Discoverer connections. End users are not prompted for a database password when using public Discoverer connections.
Discoverer checks whether the end user has already specified a database password in a browser session, and if so whether to prompt the user again for a database password.
For example, a Web page might contain URL links to five Discoverer worksheets. If an end user selects the first worksheet and enters a database password, you might want them not to have to enter the password again if they return to the Web page and select from the other four worksheet links.
Use 'false' if you always want end users to enter a password.
Use 'true' if you want end users to only enter a password the first time they use a private connection in a browser session.
| reuseConnection=true |
sg=<security group> | Specifies the Oracle Applications Security Group you want to connect with.
Note: If you do not specify a user name, responsibility, or security group, the Discoverer end user is prompted to enter the missing login information.
| sg=securityGroup |
us=<database user name> | Specifies a database user name with which to connect to Discoverer.
Hint: You can also use this parameter to specify a database, user name as a single parameter.
Note: If you do not specify a user name, the Discoverer end user is prompted for a user name.
| us=video5 |
OID-- OID 11g installation on Two Node IBM Cluster/Hacmp
Assuming all the minimum requirements are met, and installation platform is certified;
OID 11g installation process consists of the following steps;
The version of OID that will be explained in this post; is " ". Anyways, Installation is pretty much the same for all OID 11.* versions..
This post was written in under the Cluster concept, that is why it is important to install and configure the stack based on the Cluster requirements..
Without any other clustering software like Weblogic clustering or Oracle Rac, Active/passive OID cluster can be build on top of IBM HACMP Cluster..
The key point in here is the service ip used by the HACMP cluster nodes.. By using the service ip, applications and databases can run on all the nodes of the cluster in case of failover, without any problem , without any manual intervention..
Installation of Oracle Database:
Database installation is just like a standart database installation. The only difference is, we need to make Oracle installation program called runInstaller, to use the virtual ip , in other words the service ip..
By supplying the service ip for the use of runInstaller, database installation and configuration will be
done in such a manner that all the nodes in the cluster can run this database without any problems..
Actually by supplying the service-ip, the listener and tns files are adjusted for the cluster. This is my observation..
In order to achive this; just before the installation set the ORACLE_HOSTNAME like the following;
export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=virtualhost.domain.com <-- service-ip
And while invoking runInstaller , supply OUI_HOSTNAME..
./runInstaller OUI_HOSTNAME=virtualhost.domain.com <--service-ip
Note: we need X environment for this.. Use vncvserver, and also set DISPLAY to vnc port before running runInstaller.
After the database installation complete, listener will listen on service-ip, TNS entries in tnsnames will be adjusted to use service-ip, enterprise manager will be run on the service-ip and etc..
After this point, we set the oracle environment for the user that we used for the oracle installation (in this case, userid oracle, groups=oinstall,dba,hagsuser) and we are finished with the database installation..
Creating OID Application schemas using Rcu Utility:
Rcu/Repository Creation utility plays an important role on OID installation, because schemas used by the Fusion Middleware applications (like OID) are created by this utility.
The key point in here is, the rcu utility has also version.. The rcu to be used in the installation process shoule be the same version with the OID that planned be installed.. Otherwise; the following error may occur..
An important constraint of Rcu is that Rcu can be run on only Linux or Windows operating System..
So even if we are installing OID 11g on AIX, we should download the Rcu for Linux or Windows, and run the utility from one of these Operating Systems..
In RCU installation screens, we choose the components that we want to install ( in this OID), we declare the schema names and password, the database connections and etc..
The following picture summarizes, the choices I made during the Rcu repository creation.
After this point we push the button , and Rcu will connect the database and create the repositories for the selected components..
After repository creation, we are good to go with the Weblogic Server Installation..
Installation of Weblogic Server:
We use a separate OS account for Weblogic installation.. (like appoid)
Weblogic version should be certified with the OID that is going to be installed..
In this case, for OID, Weblogic Server 10.3.6 can be used.
After downloading Weblogic Server and unzipping it, we have to be sure that the java version is certified for the installation platform..
For OID latest java 6 and java 7 seems certified.
So if the server that we are installing Weblogic has not a certified java, we need to upgrade the java.
If it i s the case, we download the java from the vendors site, and install it following installation instructions.(platform specific).. For ibm , java can be downloaded from www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk ..
After installing the appropriate version of java , we are ready to invoke the weblogic installer, with the following command;
export JAVA_HOME=full path of certified java that we installed previously.
JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar wls1036_generic.jar..
Note: we need X environment for this.. Use Vncserver, and also set DISPLAY to vnc port before running the jar file..
When the installation complete, we de-select Run quickstart and click Done to exit the Installer.
Installation of OID 11g:
So far, we created/installed the infrastructure for the OID application. We installed an oracle database, created the repository using rcu and installed the weblogic server..
Now we are ready to install OID application.
Assuming two installation zip files are already downloaded and unzipped. (ofm_idm_ibm_aix_11.*)
We use the same Os user account that we used in Weblogic installation ( in this case appoid..)
We start the installer by executing runInstaller in a vnc terminal.
We choose install & configure, and continue to the prerequisite check screen. After prerequisites are met, we continue with the next screens supplying Directory locations, LDAP namespace(dc=blabla), Virtual Directory Administrator password, port number(auto), and Realm(dc=blabla)..
I didnt put all the screens here, information requested in the screens are explained in previous paragraph..
Example Installation report:
Type: Install and Configure
Location: /orappl/weblogic/Oracle_IDM1
Disk Space
Required: 2200 MB
Available: 32749 MB
Free After Install: 30549 MB
Applications Selected For Install
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Directory Integration Platform
Oracle Virtual Directory
Oracle Identity Federation
Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle Directory Service Manager
Enterprise Manager
Applications Selected For Configuration
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Directory Integration Platform
Enterprise Manager
Oracle Directory Service Manager
Middleware Home Location : /orappl/weblogic
Oracle Instance Location : /orappl/weblogic/asinst_1
Oracle Instance : asinst_1
Domain Option : Create Domain
Domain Name : IDMDomain
Domain Home : /orappl/weblogic/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain
Domain Host Name : <HOSTNAME>
Domain Port : 7002
Weblogic Console : http://<HOSTNAME>:7002/console
Weblogic User Name : weblogic
Automatic Port Detection : true
Enterprise Manager :
Enterprise Manager Agent
Oracle Internet Directory
SSL Port : 3131
Non SSL Port : 3060
Database : <HOSTNAME>:1521:OIDDB
Oracle Directory Services Manager :
Directory Integration Platform
wls_ods1 : 7006
After the installation ;
*put MW_HOME and ORACLE_INSTANCE environment variable into the .profile file. (.bash_profile in linux)
*Prepare the start-stop scripts for weblogic admin server, managed server and opmn applications;
Start/Stop: (following is an example , change the port, hostname and password and application name according to your environment)
1)$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain/bin/stopManagedWebLogic.sh wls_ods1 "virtualhostname/service-hostname":7002 weblogic weblogic123
2)$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall
3)$MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain/bin/stopWebLogic.sh weblogic weblogic123
Kill remaining appoid(WEblogic owner ) processes
Login Weblogic Os user (appoid)
1)nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain/bin/startWebLogic.sh -Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic123 &
After that OID installation is complete, but we want OID and weblogic to use service-ip..
This can be accomplised by the following actions;
1)Login to weblogic application console> Add a new machine with listen address updated to service-hostname>relate Admin Server and wls_ods1 managed server with this machine.
2)In Weblogic administration console change the listen addresses set for the Admin server and wls_ods1 managed server to the service-hostname.
3) Change the component registration setting in opmn with the following;
OID 11g installation process consists of the following steps;
- Installation of Oracle Database.
- Creating OID Application schemas using Rcu Utility.
- Installation of Weblogic Server.
- Installation of OID.
The version of OID that will be explained in this post; is " ". Anyways, Installation is pretty much the same for all OID 11.* versions..
This post was written in under the Cluster concept, that is why it is important to install and configure the stack based on the Cluster requirements..
Without any other clustering software like Weblogic clustering or Oracle Rac, Active/passive OID cluster can be build on top of IBM HACMP Cluster..
The key point in here is the service ip used by the HACMP cluster nodes.. By using the service ip, applications and databases can run on all the nodes of the cluster in case of failover, without any problem , without any manual intervention..
Installation of Oracle Database:
Database installation is just like a standart database installation. The only difference is, we need to make Oracle installation program called runInstaller, to use the virtual ip , in other words the service ip..
By supplying the service ip for the use of runInstaller, database installation and configuration will be
done in such a manner that all the nodes in the cluster can run this database without any problems..
Actually by supplying the service-ip, the listener and tns files are adjusted for the cluster. This is my observation..
In order to achive this; just before the installation set the ORACLE_HOSTNAME like the following;
export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=virtualhost.domain.com <-- service-ip
And while invoking runInstaller , supply OUI_HOSTNAME..
./runInstaller OUI_HOSTNAME=virtualhost.domain.com <--service-ip
Note: we need X environment for this.. Use vncvserver, and also set DISPLAY to vnc port before running runInstaller.
After the database installation complete, listener will listen on service-ip, TNS entries in tnsnames will be adjusted to use service-ip, enterprise manager will be run on the service-ip and etc..
After this point, we set the oracle environment for the user that we used for the oracle installation (in this case, userid oracle, groups=oinstall,dba,hagsuser) and we are finished with the database installation..
Creating OID Application schemas using Rcu Utility:
Rcu/Repository Creation utility plays an important role on OID installation, because schemas used by the Fusion Middleware applications (like OID) are created by this utility.
The key point in here is, the rcu utility has also version.. The rcu to be used in the installation process shoule be the same version with the OID that planned be installed.. Otherwise; the following error may occur..
An important constraint of Rcu is that Rcu can be run on only Linux or Windows operating System..
So even if we are installing OID 11g on AIX, we should download the Rcu for Linux or Windows, and run the utility from one of these Operating Systems..
In RCU installation screens, we choose the components that we want to install ( in this OID), we declare the schema names and password, the database connections and etc..
The following picture summarizes, the choices I made during the Rcu repository creation.
After this point we push the button , and Rcu will connect the database and create the repositories for the selected components..
After repository creation, we are good to go with the Weblogic Server Installation..
Installation of Weblogic Server:
We use a separate OS account for Weblogic installation.. (like appoid)
Weblogic version should be certified with the OID that is going to be installed..
In this case, for OID, Weblogic Server 10.3.6 can be used.
After downloading Weblogic Server and unzipping it, we have to be sure that the java version is certified for the installation platform..
For OID latest java 6 and java 7 seems certified.
So if the server that we are installing Weblogic has not a certified java, we need to upgrade the java.
If it i s the case, we download the java from the vendors site, and install it following installation instructions.(platform specific).. For ibm , java can be downloaded from www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk ..
After installing the appropriate version of java , we are ready to invoke the weblogic installer, with the following command;
export JAVA_HOME=full path of certified java that we installed previously.
JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar wls1036_generic.jar..
In the installation screens, we use the typical installation type and create a new Middleware home by supplying directory names.. Finally, we click next on the installation summary screen to start the installation process.
When the installation complete, we de-select Run quickstart and click Done to exit the Installer.
Installation of OID 11g:
So far, we created/installed the infrastructure for the OID application. We installed an oracle database, created the repository using rcu and installed the weblogic server..
Now we are ready to install OID application.
Assuming two installation zip files are already downloaded and unzipped. (ofm_idm_ibm_aix_11.*)
We use the same Os user account that we used in Weblogic installation ( in this case appoid..)
We start the installer by executing runInstaller in a vnc terminal.
We choose install & configure, and continue to the prerequisite check screen. After prerequisites are met, we continue with the next screens supplying Directory locations, LDAP namespace(dc=blabla), Virtual Directory Administrator password, port number(auto), and Realm(dc=blabla)..
I didnt put all the screens here, information requested in the screens are explained in previous paragraph..
Following applications will be installed:
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Directory Integration Platform
Oracle Virtual Directory
Oracle Identity Federation
Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle Directory Service Manager
Enterprise Manager
Note: Save the installation report, there will be important information saved in that file..(ports, domain name, files, login urls..)
Type: Install and Configure
Location: /orappl/weblogic/Oracle_IDM1
Disk Space
Required: 2200 MB
Available: 32749 MB
Free After Install: 30549 MB
Applications Selected For Install
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Directory Integration Platform
Oracle Virtual Directory
Oracle Identity Federation
Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle Directory Service Manager
Enterprise Manager
Applications Selected For Configuration
Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Directory Integration Platform
Enterprise Manager
Oracle Directory Service Manager
Middleware Home Location : /orappl/weblogic
Oracle Instance Location : /orappl/weblogic/asinst_1
Oracle Instance : asinst_1
Domain Option : Create Domain
Domain Name : IDMDomain
Domain Home : /orappl/weblogic/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain
Domain Host Name : <HOSTNAME>
Domain Port : 7002
Weblogic Console : http://<HOSTNAME>:7002/console
Weblogic User Name : weblogic
Automatic Port Detection : true
Enterprise Manager :
Enterprise Manager Agent
Oracle Internet Directory
SSL Port : 3131
Non SSL Port : 3060
Database : <HOSTNAME>:1521:OIDDB
Oracle Directory Services Manager :
Directory Integration Platform
wls_ods1 : 7006
After the installation ;
*put MW_HOME and ORACLE_INSTANCE environment variable into the .profile file. (.bash_profile in linux)
*Prepare the start-stop scripts for weblogic admin server, managed server and opmn applications;
Start/Stop: (following is an example , change the port, hostname and password and application name according to your environment)
Login Weblogic Os user (appoid)
2)$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl stopall
Kill remaining appoid(WEblogic owner ) processes
Login Oracle DB software owner -> Stop database and listener (standard operation)
Login Oracle DB software owner -> Start database and listener (standard operation)
1)nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/
sleep 60 or 120;
2)nohup $MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/startNodeManager.sh "virtualhostname/service-hostname" 5557 &
3)$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startall
sleep 60 or 120;
4)nohup $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/IDMDomain/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh wls_ods1 "virtualhostname/service-hostname":7002 -Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic123 &
After that OID installation is complete, but we want OID and weblogic to use service-ip..
This can be accomplised by the following actions;
1)Login to weblogic application console> Add a new machine with listen address updated to service-hostname>relate Admin Server and wls_ods1 managed server with this machine.
2)In Weblogic administration console change the listen addresses set for the Admin server and wls_ods1 managed server to the service-hostname.
3) Change the component registration setting in opmn with the following;
$ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl updatecomponentregistration -adminHost localhost -host <SERVICE-HOSTNAME> -adminPort 7002 -adminUsername weblogic -componentType OID -componentName oid1 -Port 3060 -Sport 3131
4)Use manage DIPServerConfigmanage to set DIPServer oidhostport to the service-hostname:port
For example: manageDIPServerConfig set -h localhost -p 7006 -D weblogic -attr oidhostport -value <SERVICE-HOSTNAME>:3060
5) Change all the hostnames declared in $DOMAIN_HOME/opmn/toplogy.xml to reflect the service-hostname
6)Look into start/stop scripts, change the hostname if declared any.
Test and Control: (ports can be different according to your environment)
*Restart the application stack.Check admin server, node manager and managed server start log files.
*Login to em, weblogic console and odm the service-hostname ..
http://service-hostname:7002/em (use weblogic user/pass)
http://service-hostname:7002/console (use weblogic user/pass)
http://service-hostname:7006/odsm (use weblogic user/pass)
*In odsm , Connect to a directroy > Create a New connection > Server=Service-hostname,Port=3060, Username:"cn=orcladmin",Password=<orcl admin password supplied in installation>
*Stop full stack , and request a failover from the system administrator. When the resources are transferred to the secondary node, and once again, do the test above ..
4)Use manage DIPServerConfigmanage to set DIPServer oidhostport to the service-hostname:port
For example: manageDIPServerConfig set -h localhost -p 7006 -D weblogic -attr oidhostport -value <SERVICE-HOSTNAME>:3060
5) Change all the hostnames declared in $DOMAIN_HOME/opmn/toplogy.xml to reflect the service-hostname
6)Look into start/stop scripts, change the hostname if declared any.
Test and Control: (ports can be different according to your environment)
*Restart the application stack.Check admin server, node manager and managed server start log files.
*Login to em, weblogic console and odm the service-hostname ..
http://service-hostname:7002/em (use weblogic user/pass)
http://service-hostname:7002/console (use weblogic user/pass)
http://service-hostname:7006/odsm (use weblogic user/pass)
*In odsm , Connect to a directroy > Create a New connection > Server=Service-hostname,Port=3060, Username:"cn=orcladmin",Password=<orcl admin password supplied in installation>
*Stop full stack , and request a failover from the system administrator. When the resources are transferred to the secondary node, and once again, do the test above ..
Hi erman,
ReplyDeleteCan you please share Ebs R12.2 RAC to RAC cloning procedure.
Follow this:
ReplyDeleteCloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 RAC-Enabled Systems with Rapid Clone (Doc ID 559518.1)
"Section 5: RAC-to-RAC Cloning"
Very detailed information on oracle weblogic applications.Thank you.
Oracle WebLogic Training in Hyderabad.