Following is an Application Deployment Workflow Diagram, that summarizes the workflow implemented accross different teams those play roles in application development,support and system administration. I designed this for Oracle Systems, and this workflow can be applied in mid-sized IT departments for deploying new functionalities or bugfixes to Oracle Databases or Application Servers. This diagram was prepared in 2008.. In those days, we didnt have a dedicated Test team, or a lot of servers for seperating Dev,Test,Uat and Perf environments :) Now, we always use at least 3 environments even for minimal deployments. For example, I had made an upgrade of an EBS environment in one of our client last year.For that system upgrade, I made the same work in 5 different EBS environments : Dev,Test,Uat,Perf and Live :) But this diagram as I said earlier can be implemented in mid-sized IT departments, even in today...
The processes are enumerated in the diagram. Their definitions are as follows:
1: The developed code or application components are transferred to the Application testing or support team.
2: Support/Test team tests the code to be deployed, in the Test environment. Note that : DBAs deploy the code or application components in to the Test environment, altough it is not seen in the diagram.
3: If Support/Test/Dba team sees any problems during tests, the code is sent back to the development team while reporting the issues. Note that: Dbas can report issues, too..
4: If the tests are successful, then an approval request is sent to the Head of Support/Development.
5:After the Head of Support and Dev approves it, the deployment package is sent to Dba Team.
6: Dbas deploys the new functionality or bugfix in certain maintanence time ( this maintanence windows should be decided by the Division already..)
7: Dba informs the relevant teams about the new deployment, and sent a request to the Application support and Test team to make them start their Production tests immediately.
8: Application support and Test team tests the code in the Production environment and approves/disapproves the deployment and functionality.
9: Application support and Test team sends the final decision to Dbas
10: According the information received from the App Support and Test team, Dba rollbacks the change or finishes the deployment process by making System performance and functionality tests.
Thanks this info was really helpful! I used a website called Lucidchart to create my own deployment diagram and it was really easy to understand. If you use diagrams often you should check it out!