Tuesday, August 14, 2018

EBS R12 -- REQAPPRV ORA-24033 error after 12C DB upgrade /rulesets & queues

Encountered ORA-24033 in an EBS 12.1.3 environment.
Actually, this error started to be produced in workflow , just after upgrading the database of this environment from 11gR2 to 12cR1.

The database upgrade (running dbua and other stuff) was done by a different company, so that we were not able to check if it is done properly..
However; we were the ones who needed to solve this issue when it appeared :)

Anyways, functional team encountered this error while checking the workflows in Workflow Administrator Web Applications -> Status Monitor, and reported it as follows;

ORA-24033 was basically saying us, there is a queue-subscriber problem in the environment, so we started working with the queues, subscribers and the rulesets.

The analysis showed that, we had 1 ruleset and 1 rule missing in this environment..

select * from
where object_name like 'WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE%'

The following output was produced in a reference environment, on which workflow REQAPPRV was running without any problems.

The following output, on the other hand; was produced in this problematic environment.

As seen above, we had 1 ruleset named WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M$1 and 1 rule named WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M$1 missing in this problematic environment..

In addition to that, WF_DEFERRED related rulesets were invalid in this problematic environment.

In order to create (validate) these ruleset , we followed 2 MOS documents and executed our action plan accordingly.

Fixing Invalid Workflow Rule Sets such as WF_DEFERRED_R and Related Errors on Workflow Queues:ORA-24033 (Doc ID 337294.1)
Contracts Clause Pending Approval with Error in Workflow ORA-25455 ORA-25447 ORA-00911 invalid character (Doc ID 1538730.1)

So what we executed in this context was as follows;

l_wf_schema varchar2(200);
lagent sys.aq$_agent;
l_new_queue varchar2(30);

l_wf_schema := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA');
l_new_queue := l_wf_schema||'.WF_DEFERRED';
lagent := sys.aq$_agent('WF_DEFERRED',null,0);
dbms_aqadm.remove_subscriber(queue_name=>l_new_queue, subscriber=>lagent);

l_wf_schema varchar2(200);
lagent sys.aq$_agent;
l_new_queue varchar2(30);

l_wf_schema := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA');
l_new_queue := l_wf_schema||'.WF_DEFERRED';
lagent := sys.aq$_agent('WF_DEFERRED',null,0);
dbms_aqadm.add_subscriber(queue_name=>l_new_queue, subscriber=>lagent,rule=>'1=1');


lagent sys.aq$_agent;
lagent := sys.aq$_agent('APPS','',0);
rule=>'CORRID like '''||'APPS'||'%''');

So what we did was to;

Remove and add back the subscriber/rules to the WF_DEFERRED queue 
Add the subscriber and rule back into the WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M queue.  (if needed we could remove the subscribe before adding it)

By taking these actions; the ruleset named WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M$1 and the rule named WF_DEFERRED_QUEUE_M$ were automatically created and actually, this fixed the ORA-24033 error in REQAPPRV :)

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