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Monday, May 29, 2023
Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum / APR 29 - MAY 29, 2023 - "Q & A Series"
OBIEE 12C / Weblogic -- Authentication for user weblogic denied , The specified user failed to log in.
*set the domain env :
cd /home/erm/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi/bin
. ./
*change(actually rechange) the Weblogic user's password to have a fresh and proper record in the related files:
cd /home/gtech/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi/security
java weblogic weblogic123 .
--note that , "." needs to be there at the end.
*Recreate the file
*Start the Weblogic Managed Server and that's it.
I shared the call stack, the error stack below for the record.. I mean if you feel like you are hitting the same issue, you can take a look at the following call stack and check whether the solution I have provided is suitable for you. Authentication for user weblogic denied.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: post construct on
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of weblogic.jndi.internal.RemoteNamingService errors were found
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on weblogic.jndi.internal.RemoteNamingService
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While attempting to resolve the dependencies of weblogic.connector.common.ConnectorServiceActivator errors were found
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to perform operation: resolve on weblogic.connector.common.ConnectorServiceActivator
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ClazzCreator.resolveAllDependencies(
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.ClazzCreator.create(
at org.jvnet.hk2.internal.SystemDescriptor.create(
at org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel.internal.AsyncRunLevelContext.findOrCreate(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: Authentication for user weblogic denied.
at weblogic.server.AbstractServerService.postConstruct(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: [Security:090938]Authentication failure: The specified user failed to log in. [Secu
rity:090302]Authentication Failed: User specified user denied
at Method)
EBS -- Apache exiting with 152 on Multi Apps Node / Shared FS Configuration
Recently, we dealt with an interesting issue in my forum, so I wanted to share it.
In a Multi Apps Node (with shared Application File System) EBS 12.2, all of a sudden Apache started to fail, when trying to start.
[applprod@erman02 opmn]$ startall
You are running version 120.0.12020000.2
Starting Apache...
EXIT CODE is 152. Please check the log file for more details. exiting with status 152
The Exit Code 152 didn't tell us a lot. It was not documented in anywhere as far I could see.
*Ensured that we had read/write access (from the applications OS user) for the directory named "u01/ERMANAPPS/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_OHS2/config/OPMN/opmn/states", for all the files located in it.
*Ensured the OS limits (ulimit) in place for the OS user that was starting the apache/OHS.
*Ensured we didn't have any space shortage in the filesystems.
-ff makes that each child process started is logged in separate log file where the <PID> is added to the file name.
--follow-forks --output-separately
Combine the effects of --follow-forks and
--output-separately options. This is incompatible with
-c, since no per-process cou1)
This is already documented for OCI and that directive should have been there already. But! I think it should be applicable to ON-PREM as well!
So, under the hood, we made semaphores to be used rather than the lock files. Lock files are not required. (according to the FMW Admin Guide)
*Here -> Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 or 12.1.3 Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage Service (Doc ID 2794300.1) ..
- Beginning with the primary application tier node, update the httpd.conf as follows:
- Launch the Fusion Middle Control. For example, use the following URL: http://<hostname.domain:admin_port>/em
- Select and edit the httpd.conf file.
- Update AcceptMutex fcntl to the following AcceptMutex sysvsem (found in two places in the httpd.conf file).
- Comment out the LockFile directive (found in three places in the httpd.conf file).
- Save the file and exit the Fusion Middleware Control.
- Restart the HTTP server for the configuration changes to take effect.
- Repeat steps 1 through 6 for all secondary nodes in the environment.
Note that: We had fcntl in the strace, just before the timeout output is given :
fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
connect(5, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(6110), inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=htonl(0), sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) = 0
open("/u01/PRODERM/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_OHS2/config/OPMN/opmn/.formfactor", O_RDONLY) = 6
fstat(6, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0400, st_size=27, ...}) = 0
connect(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6110), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
fcntl(22, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_WRLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET, l_start=0, l_len=0}) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set)
--- SIGHUP {si_signo=SIGHUP, si_code=SI_TKILL, si_pid=28993, si_uid=54321} -
The AcceptMutex directive sets the method that Apache uses to serialize multiple children accepting requests on network sockets.
sysvsem : Uses SySV-style semaphores to implement the mutex..
fcntl:Uses the fnctl system call to lock the file defined by the LockFile directive
One final note on this issue:
Oracle EBS -- On the 6th anniversary of publication of our book...
On the 6th anniversary of publication of our book...
It has been seven triumphant years since the publication of "Practical Oracle E-Business Suite: An Implementation and Management Guide". During this time, the IT world has seen tremendous alterations in the adaptation of technology and a shift towards cloud space; nevertheless, we take pride in the fact that the content produced seven years ago still offers invaluable understanding of the Oracle E-Business Suite product.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Apress for providing us with the opportunity to author this book and to the Oracle community for their continued support.
Writing itself provides a cognitive offloading tool for externalizing representation of future events that need to be kept track of.
This book is part of our extended mind.
At the end of the day, the machinery of mind (for exploiting the expertise) doesn't all have to be in the head.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
EBS 12.2 -- fs_clone fails on validations: ValidateETCHosts / [ERROR]: Required content is missing from /etc/hosts
Currently we are in the upgrade process of a fresh EBS 12.2 instance. (It is going be the first TEST environment of a new EBS project). Okay. With that, lets go! ->
As a part of the installation, and as a requirement we are upgrading the newly installed EBS 12.2.0 to 12.2.11 and we failed while running adop's fs_clone as a post action for the upgrade.
Adop logs were stating the error clearly. (as shared below)
-- ADOPValidations_detailed.log
Started execution : ADOPValidations.javaValidating entries in /etc/hosts
/etc/hosts contains required entries
[ERROR]: Required content is missing from /etc/hosts file.
EBS 12.2 -- ADOP PREPARE -hangs- while generating report to display the status of important tablespaces / ADZDSHOWTS.sql
Recently dealt with an issue in my forum. It was about patching an EBS 12.2 instance with A;DOP.
The issue was super clear -> Before starting the online patching cycle, ADOP prepare was executed, but the execution was never completed.
Just for the record, the environment was an EBS 12.2.5 consisting of 2 apps nodes (shared appl top) and 2 db nodes (active-active Oracle RAC)[PROCEDURE] [START 2023/05/11 15:27:38] Generating tablespaces report
[PROCEDURE] [START 2023/05/11 15:27:39] Generating report to display the status of important tablespaces. (ie. free space)
[STATEMENT] Report: /u01/UATERM/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/ADZDSHOWTS.sql
24*1024)),2) total_space , round(((df.total_space - fs.free_sp
ace)/(1024*1024*1024)),2) used_space , round((fs.free_space/(1
024*1024*1024)),2) free_space , round(((
_space) / df.total_space)*100, 2) PCT_USED FROM ( SELECT tab
lespace_name, SUM(bytes) TOTAL_SPACE FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name) df , ( SELECT tablespace_name,
SUM(bytes) FREE_SPACE FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY t
ablespace_name) fs WHERE df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespac
e_name(+) and df.tablespace_name in ('SYSTEM', 'APPS_T
Space Related Dictionary View Performance Slow in Multitenant Database with Large Number of Pluggable Databases (Doc ID 2053791.1)