Monday, May 29, 2023

Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum / APR 29 - MAY 29, 2023 - "Q & A Series"

Remember, you can ask questions and get remote support using my forum. Just click on the link named "Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum is available now". Click here to ask a question", which is available on the main page of Erman Arslan's Oracle Blog. A total of 2165 questions were asked, almost 10000 comments have been made and here is the links to the latest questions from the last period.

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 Supporting the Oracle users around the world. Let's check what we have in the last month..

Apex schema in ebs database by satish

Authentication error while accessing FNDWRR.exe from browser. by Mohammed Hamed

Apache exiting with 152 by satish

SQL ID in procedure by satish

1530 ORA-24263: Certificate of the remote server does not match the target address by satish

locks onDB by Roshan

exadata monitoring tool by Roshan

prepare phase hangs by satish

Storage IOPS by satish

BI publisher in EBS by satish

Patch conflict by big

EBS R122: Context File shows apps_jdbc_connect_descriptor with VIP instead of SCAN by NubeAppsDba

mount acfs filesystem by Roshan

locks DB 19c by Roshan

patch for weblogic by big

CPU PATCH FOR APR 2023 by big

how to create a dblink from oracle to sql server by baig

Wrong version after upgrading to R12.2.10 by satish

Database monitoring by satish

Invalids after upgrade to R12.2.10 by satish

host issue performance by Roshan

Applying RUP patch 30399999 R12.2 upgrade by satish

Upgrade EBS R12.1.3 to R12.2---->Package FND_CONCURRENT has errors by satish

survey exadata by Roshan

KVM by Roshan

Upgrade EBS R12.1.3 to R12.2.10 by satish

ebs_patch or <INSTANCE>_ebs_patch services by Harin

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