Friday, September 3, 2021

Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum / August 2021 - "Questions and Answers Series" -- 45 interesting Questions/Issues this month!

Question: How much time do you spend/lose?

Answer: Well, how much time I gain? :) 

Remember, you can ask questions and get remote support using my forum. 45 issues this month!
Just click on the link named "Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum is available now.
Click here to ask a question", which is available on the main page of Erman Arslan's Oracle Blog
-- or just use the direct link:  

Come on, let's see what we've been up to in August + in the beginning of September 2021. #amaerman
Do not forget to read the blog posts too :)

Topics (1766)Sub Forum
 Smtp server - sending email by satishEBS 12.2
 Confusion on jdk/jre by satishEBS 12.2
 golden gate index issue by RoshanDatabase
 Restore RMAN Backup of 11g on 19C by ZaheerDatabase
 Time setting in erp by satishEBS 12.1/12.0/11i
 NIC alias in Rhel 7 oracle rac by satishRAC
 RDS over UDP by satishRAC
 DB upgrade ( to by BarzuDatabase
 golden gate trail reader by RoshanDatabase
 Identifying number of hardware devices multipathLinux
 Apex installation in ebs by satishEBS 12.2
 Lun’s selection in 2 node rac by satishRAC
 mount filesystem linux by RoshanLinux
 Permission to only one directory by satishLinux
 Disabling path in multipath by satishLinux
 Multipath pre-requisites by satishDatabase
 Error in listener log by satishDatabase
 Prerequisite for configuring FMW 12.2
 Firing alerts from shell scripts using smtp in RedHatDatabase
 JRE and JDK with ebs by satishEBS 12.2
 JAR expiration date by bigEBS 12.2
 If Forgot your password by bigEBS 12.1/12.0/11i
 Configure WorkFlow mailer by bigEBS 12.1/12.0/11i
 Report Manager not working for office 365 in oracle r12.1.3  EBS 12.1/12.0/11i
 Error opening oat page for specific user in r12EBS 12.2
 Install 12c by bigDatabase
 Smtp test by satishEBS 12.2
 OJVM patch 12c database l by satishEBS 12.2
 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: njni11EBS 12.2
 Adop prepare failed by bigEBS 12.2
 OS Upgrade of Exadata x6-2 by ZaheerEXADATA
 Cannot find or open library file: -l java by bigDatabase
 Upgrade OBIEE 11g to OAS 5.5/ 5.9 by ZaheerFMW WLS on DB tiers by bigEBS 12.2
 Data from PROD to DEV by bigEBS 12.2
 Blank Page when connecting by bigEBS 12.2
 FRM-40833 FRM-40735 Opening Any Forms After 12.2.4 - 12.2.8 upgradeEBS 12.2
 PDB Using PDB conversion failed Database
 resize redo logs to decrease archivelog generationDatabase
 adopclone_devserver folder is missing by bigEBS 12.2
 Refresh DB ORACLE_HOME by bigEBS 12.2
 Oracle homes refresh in rac environment to latest PSUEBS 12.2
 Browser supporting R12.2.5 forms users by satishEBS 12.2
 HTML Agent by bigEBS 12.2