Saturday, April 29, 2023

Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum / MAR 15 - APR 29, 2023 - "Q & A Series"

 Supporting the Oracle users around the world. Let's check what we have in the last 45 days.

Remember, you can ask questions and get remote support using my forum. Just click on the link named "Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum is available now". Click here to ask a question", which is available on the main page of Erman Arslan's Oracle Blog. A total of 2165 questions were asked, almost 10000 comments have been made and here is the links to the latest questions from the last period.

-- or just use the direct link:

Upgrade EBS R12.1.3 to R12.2.10 by satish

ebs_patch or <INSTANCE>_ebs_patch services by Harin

survey exadata by Roshan

refresh physical disk from shanpshots by Roshan

OMERROR notifications by big

upgrade R12.1.3 to R12.2 by satish

XTTS XML tables export by Roshan

move temp file by big

Custom top - R12.2 upgrade by satish

R12.1.3 upgrade to R12.2 by satish

R12.1.3 upgrade to R12.2 by satish

Purge End Dated OMERROR Workflow by big

diskgroup out of space by Roshan

Stage -upgrade from R12.1.3 to R12.2 by satish

Applying patch to Local Inventory after upgrade by satish

Charecter Set - upgrading 11gr2 database to 19c by satish

English menu in french interface by big

32 bit Oracle client by Roshan

In-Place OS Upgrade from from RHEL 7.9 to 8.7 by Karthik

mount acfs filesystem by Roshan

Add X9M cell servers to existing X8M rack by Aman

permission denied by Roshan

Many WorkFlow notifications by big

FS-CLONE failed by big

move datafile by big

ORA-01821: date format not recognized by big

Prepare phase hangs R12.2.5 by satish

sys file by big

sql server AG by Roshan

sql_id by big

fsclone failed R12.2.5 by satish

Scan connection issue - EBS by satish

dropping a restore point in production by raiq1

Bandwidth calculation for Data Guard log shipping. by raiq1

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

EBS 12.2 -- CPU patch failing due to wrong value in AD_APPS_JDBC_URL / adop : IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

We love working on the weekend.. Patching the systems heavily :) Here is an issue that we dealt with in the last weekend while patching an EBS 12.2 system with a CPU patch.
I was woken up by APPS DBAS early in the Saturday morning. (a unique way to start the weekend)
The issue was urgent and it was on PROD. Yes, we have online patching but the tolerance for the duration of this patching work was not so high and the patching issue should have been fixed as soon as possible to make the work continue and to leave time for the tests.

-Adop apply- was failing with java exceptions , and it was super clear that was related with the database connections. We made our diagnosis, checked the adop logs, adworker logs, got some artistic moves using adctrl :), but I won't go into the detailes of the diagnostics work.. Anyways; at the end we concluded that the value set for the AD_APPS_JDBC_URL environment variable in Patch FS was the problem.

AD utilities like Adop uses the value of AD_APPS_JDBC_URL variable (from the patch env) for the database connections and in this case, during the excessive patcing(multiple adop cycles), that value was somehow (it is another story) modified with a wrong one. So, the value of AD_APPS_JDBC_URL environment variable in Patch environment was wrong.
Actually the hostname part of it was wrong.. The connection string given there was pointing the physical hostnames of the database nodes, but this was a RAC (on Exadata X8-2M) and it was using the virtual IP addresses (and hostnames) for its local listeners.. So no one was listening on the physical database hostnames :) and that was the cause of the problem.. 

As a quick workaround we added the physical DB hostnames along with the virtual ip addresses (mapped the physical hosts to the virtual Ip addresses)  into the/etc/hosts files of the apps nodes. That fixed the issue. But! the actual solution should have been correcting the value of AD_APPS_JDBC_URL in the patch fs.. So here I'm sharing this with you. I hope it will help.

Background info:

EBS Version: 12.2.4

DB Version :

Failing Security patch : ORACLE APPLICATIONS RELEASE 12.2: CPU PATCH FOR JUL 2022 (Patch 34127951)

Failing Adop Phase: ADOP APPLY

 The error stack:

Calling /home/app/ebsapp01/R12/fs1/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk32/jre/bin/java ...
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
Caused by: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.connect(
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
... 8 more
Caused by: Connection refused
at Method)
... 13 more

Workaround :

Add the relevant host records to /etc/hosts file of the apps nodes. (In this case, add the physical hostname of the database node with the IP address of the virtual hostame(s) and retry the failing adop apply action. It will solve the problem, but this is a specific case.! *So don't do it in your case:) The real problem is in the value of AD_APPS_JDBC_URL environment variable of the patch filesystem. Actually it is the one that should be corrected.


Change the AD_APPS_JDBC_URL on Run FS. Run Autoconfig. Run adop prepare, check and see if the value of AD_APPS_JDBC_URL in the Patch FS is corrected. (If it is still not corrected, a fs_clone may be needed). Basically, we need to recreate the patch fs env files with the correct value set for the AD_APPS_JDBC_URL..  Anyways, once we see it is corrected, we retry the failing action.