Sunday, March 23, 2014

EBS 11i -- ORA-06512 associative array not consistent with session parameters

In a 11i EBS environment with a or database, you can encounter "ORA-06512 associative array not consistent with session parameters" in EBS screens, especially during peak times..
Note that, you can encounter this error in different Applications as well, because the error is caused by a database bug actually...

Following EBS screenshots represent the generated error messages caused by the underlying database problem;

This ORA-06512 error should to be raised If settings for national language or globalization change during a session that uses associative arrays.
The possible workaround should be not modifying NLS parameters at the session level when using package-level associative arrays. But it is not easy to implement as this is an EBS, and it is a packaged application.. In addition this issue starts to come out suddenly -- especially under peak..

So I will keep it short the issue is caused by bug 5890966..
There is a patch(for db) available on MOS.. You can apply patch 5890966 for fixing those errors..
Patch is available for and Rdbms..
End of story :)

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