Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Exadata -- Find Exadata Rack Model (Eight/Quarter/Half ..)

In order to find the rack model( eigth , quarter, half or full rack) of Exadata, you can use the databasemachine.xml file.. This file is created by the onecommand process during provisioning of 
Oracle Exadata..

For example:
cd /opt/oracle.SupportTools
grep -i MACHINETYPES databasemachine.xml
Output : X4-2 Eighth Rack HP 1.2TB

As you see here, MACHINETYPE tag gives us the Rack Model, type of the machine (HP for High performance, HC for High Capactiy) and storage size, as well. 

Keep in mind that; You can gather more info using databasemachine.xml file.. 
Admin ip, MACHINEUSIZE, ILONNAMES are just some of those information stored in this file ..
"databasemachine.xml" file is actually used by Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c  during the discovery process and also used to gather the information to render the schematic diagram in the Enterprise Manager's Exadata home page.

1 comment :

  1. May the creator of the universe bless you


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