Friday, February 27, 2015

EBS R12 -- Hr Organization Chart redirects to the home page!

I have alrady written the article "Implementing Hr Organization in EBS"
Covered the steps , shared the screenshots and give some diagnostics info which may be used against the problems on the way..

But there are some problems, that can not be corrected easily..
Such problems make us configure our EBS environment according to the needs of Hr Org Chart application..
Yes! I m talking about the domain names..
Hr Org Chart want us to have the same domain name for all of the servers involved between the process for reaching Hr Org Chart from the EBS..

Load Balancer, Application server , SSO server, Hr Org Chart Server , you name it :) , they all need to have the same domain.. We need to see the same domain in fnd_nodes for all the nodes:)
Even if we dont have such an environment, we will end  with cookie problems.. Thus when we click on the Hr Org Chart link in EBS (For ex: Manager Self Service - > Talent Profile), the browser will refresh the page , it will go to the Hr Org Chart url but will come back to the same page again.. In short; Hr Org Chart will not open...
I have talked about this with Oracle Support, I have spoken with the associated developer .. This unfortunetaly is the fact.. 

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