Tuesday, June 18, 2013

EBS 11i -- Add Custom Top Script

In EBS, we place our custom developments or customized objects under custom tops.
Following script was written to ease and automatize the dba work that is done under this process.

Click here for the script code..

Usage Example:
 sh add_custom_top.sh xxefa TEST oracle1 XXEFA XXEFA XXEFA_TBS TEMPPROD /u2/oradata/u2/xxefa_01.dbf 1000M

### This script should be executed by the application owner
### Before, executing this script, apps environment should be sourced. APPS{SID}_{hostname}.env
### 1. parameter ->  name of the custom top  (lowercase) example: xxefa
### 2. parameter- >  Ebs database SID 
### 3. parameter ->  System user password
### 4. parameter ->  Db user name that is going to be created for the new application 
### 5. parameter ->  Password of the db user  that is going to be created for the new application 
### 6. parameter ->  Tablespace name that will be created for the new  user.
### 7. parameter ->  Existing Temp tablespace that will be used by the new user
### 8. parameter ->  Datafile full path with datafile name . This datafile will be created while creating the new tablespace
### 9. parameter -> datafile size 1000M

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