Okay.. After a general introduction, lets proceed with an example of the usage ;
Okay. lets use some help(all) and see what more we can do with it.
help('activate') Activate the changes.
help('addListener') Add a JMX listener to the specified MBean.
help('addTemplate') Extend the current domain.
help('adminHome') Administration MBeanHome.
help('assign') Assign resources to one or more destinations.
help('assignAll') (Deprecated) Assign all applications or services.
help('cancelEdit') Cancel an edit session.
help('cd') Navigate the hierarchy of beans.
help('closeDomain') Close the current domain.
help('closeTemplate') Close the current domain template.
help('closestore') Closes a store.
help('cmo') Current Management Object.
help('compactstore') Compacts and defragments the space occupied by a file store.
help('config') (Deprecated) Navigate to the last MBean in configuration hierarchy.
help('configToScript') Convert a domain configuration to WLST script.
help('connect') Connect WLST to a WebLogic Server instance.
help('connected') Variable indicating whether WLST is connected.
help('create') Create a configuration bean.
help('createDomain') Create a new domain.
help('currentTree') Return the current location in the hierarchy.
help('custom') Navigate to the root of custom MBeans.
help('delete') Delete a configuration bean.
help('deploy') Deploy an application.
help('disconnect') Disconnect WLST.
help('distributeApplication')Copy the deployment bundle to targets.
help('domainConfig') Navigate to last domain configuration MBean or root.
help('domainCustom') Navigate to the root of domain custom MBeans.
help('domainName') Name of the domain to which WLST is connected.
help('domainRuntime') Navigate to last domain runtime MBean or root.
help('domainRuntimeService')DomainRuntimeServiceMBean MBean.
help('dumpStack') Display stack trace from the last exception.
help('dumpVariables') Display all the variables used by WLST.
help('dumpstore') Dumps store contents in human-readable format to an XML file.
help('edit') Navigate to last edit configuration MBean or root.
help('editService') EditServiceMBean MBean.
help('encrypt') Encrypt the specified string.
help('exit') Exit WLST from the user session.
help('exitonerror') Variable indicating whether WLST exits on error.
help('exportDiagnosticData')Execute a query (offline).
help('exportDiagnosticDataFromServer')Execute a query (online).
help('find') Find MBeans and attributes.
help('get') Return the value of the specified attribute.
help('getActivationTask')Return the latest ActivationTaskMBean.
help('getAvailableCapturedImages')Returns the list of Diagnostic Images available for downloading.
help('getConfigManager') Return the ConfigurationManagerMBean.
help('getMBI') Return the MBeanInfo.
help('getMBean') Return the MBean by browsing to path.
help('getPath') Return the MBean path.
help('getWLDM') Return the WebLogic DeploymentManager object.
help('getopenstores') Returns a list of opened stores (for script access).
help('getstoreconns') Returns a list of connections in the specified store (for script access).
help('home') Local MBeanHome.
help('invoke') Invoke a management operation on the current bean.
help('isAdminServer') Variable indicating whether WLST is connected to an Admin Server.
help('isRestartRequired')Determine whether a server restart is required.
help('jndi') Navigate to the JNDI tree.
help('listApplications') Lists all applications that are currently deployed to the domain.
help('listChildTypes') List all the child MBeans for the cmo.
help('liststore') Lists store names, open stores, or connections in a store.
help('loadApplication') Load an application and deployment plan.
help('loadDB') Load SQL files into a database.
help('loadProperties') Load property values from a file.
help('lookup') Look up the specified MBean.
help('ls') List all the child beans and/or attributes.
help('man') Display help from MBeanInfo.
help('mbs') MBeanServerConnection object.
help('migrate') Migrate JTA, JMS or Server services.
help('nm') Determine whether WLST is connected to Node Manager.
help('nmConnect') Connect WLST to Node Manager.
help('nmDisconnect') Disconnect WLST from a Node Manager session.
help('nmEnroll') Enroll the machine with Node Manager.
help('nmGenBootStartupProps')Generate boot and startup properties
help('nmKill') Kill the specified server instance.
help('nmLog') Return the Node Manager log.
help('nmServerLog') Return the server output log.
help('nmServerStatus') Return the status of the server.
help('nmStart') Start a server using Node Manager.
help('nmVersion') Return the Node Manager server version.
help('openfilestore') Opens a file store.
help('openjdbcstore') Opens a JDBC store.
help('prompt') Toggle prompt information.
help('pwd') Display the current working directory.
help('readDomain') Open an existing domain for updating.
help('readTemplate') Open an existing domain template.
help('recording') Variable indicating whether WLST is recording.
help('redeploy') Reload classes and redeploys an application.
help('redirect') Redirect WLST output to the specified filename.
help('removeListener') Remove a listener that was previously defined.
help('resume') Resume a server instance.
help('runtime') (Deprecated) Navigates to the last MBean in runtime hierarchy
help('runtimeService') RuntimeServiceMBean MBean.
help('save') Save the edits that have been made.
help('saveDiagnosticImageCaptureEntryFile')Downloads an entry from a captured Diagnostic Image.
help('saveDiagnosticImageCaptureFile')Downloads a captured Diagnostic Image.
help('serverConfig') Navigate to the last configuration MBean or root.
help('serverName') Name of the server to which WLST is connected.
help('serverRuntime') Navigate to the last runtime MBean or root.
help('set') Set the specified attribute value.
help('setDistDestType') Sets the distributed destination type.
help('setOption') Set options related to a domain creation or update.
help('showChanges') Show the current changes that were made.
help('showListeners') Show all listeners that are currently defined.
help('shutdown') Gracefully shut down a server or a cluster.
help('start') Start a Managed Server or a cluster.
help('startApplication') Start an application.
help('startEdit') Start a configuration edit session.
help('startNodeManager') Start Node Manager.
help('startRecording') Record all user interactions with WLST.
help('startServer') Start the Administration Server.
help('state') Return a map of servers/clusters and their state.
help('stopApplication') Stop an application, making it unavailable to users.
help('stopEdit') Stop current edit session and release lock.
help('stopNodeManager') Stop Node Manager.
help('stopRecording') Stop recording WLST commands.
help('stopRedirect') Stop redirection of WLST output.
help('storeUserConfig') Create a user configuration and key file.
help('suspend') Suspend a running server.
help('threadDump') Display a thread dump for the specified server.
help('typeService') TypeServiceMBean MBean.
help('unassign') Unassign applications or resources.
help('unassignAll') (Deprecated) Unassign all applications or services.
help('undeploy') Undeploy an application.
help('undo') Revert all unsaved or unactivated edits.
help('updateApplication')Update an application configuration using a new deployment plan.
help('updateDomain') Update and save the current domain.
help('username') Name of user currently connected to WLST.
help('validate') Validate the changes that have been made.
help('validateConfig') Validate a Domain configuration.
help('version') Current version of WLS.
help('viewMBean') Display information about an MBean.
help('writeDomain') Write the domain configuration information.
help('writeIniFile') Convert WLST definitions to Python file.
help('writeTemplate') Write the domain template.
help('stopEdit') Stop current edit session and release lock.
So, lets put a domain lock on the admin console and leave it there..
Why do I give stopEdit() as an example? Because I want to address the problem in automated EBS 12.2 startups :)
The problem is if we have domain lock in the Weblogic(which comes with the EBS 12.2) then our managed server start scripts hang...