Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Reverse Proxy-- Enabling SSL on JIRA + Ngnix + Apache

This post is not directly related with Oracle products.
It is actually not so so related with JIRA, as well.
My main focus is to give a recall to one of the web tier components, that we use in some of our advanced EBS configurations like offloading SSL works to Web Servers or enhancing the security of our environment by putting an extra layer in front of our application server, which is supposed to be open to the internet.

However, altough we use this web tier component (called Reverse Proxy) in our EBS configurations as well, this time; I will make a change, and write about this topic, by going through an example of SSL enablement on JIRA, not Oracle EBS.

The Forward Proxy is the the default Proxy that we use in our daily lives with the Proxy term.
Reverse Proxy is something else. Altough reverse proxy is not the direct opposite of forward proxy, they are very different. That is, reverse proxy is for servers, and the forward proxy is for clients. I will not go very deep in that, but let's say, in forward proxy, the servers that are reached through the proxy, do not know the clients, but in reverse proxy, clients do not know the backend servers.
So in other words; in forward proxy, the clients want to go to the servers (like google.com), in reverse proxy, the clients think that they are speaking with the proxy server, but they are actually speaking with the servers in backend.
That is Reverse Proxy talks with the client and passes his/or her request to the other servers that are logically behind of it, and then returns the responses of the servers to the clients.
For example, if I configure my Apache as a reverse proxy and say there :"change every url with the google's url/reverse proxy everything to google", and then if you write my Apache Server's ip address to your browser's address bar and it enter , you will reach the google through my ip address. So, you will not see any change in your browser's address bar, as you will think that you are talking with my Apache Server.

This reverse proxy component can be widely used in the Enterprises. It is used for security , it is used for adding an intermediate levels, it is used for SSL offloading and so on.

Below, you will find how we used a reverse proxy to open a JIRA system to internet.
In this scenario, we will use nginx reverse proxy for redirecting the https traffic to http . The clients will come to the reverse proxy with an internet dns name using https and we will pipe them transparently to our tomcat web server(JIRA) using http, which is running inside our network.
So the connection between the clients and our reverse proxy server will be https. Also from client's perspective, the connection from our clients to jira will be https as well.
We will also use another Apache(running on the same server as ngnix, and listening on port 80 of our internet DNS name) to redirect the http requests that may come to our internet dns name, to https automatically.

So , if I summarize;

Consider our internet dns name (public jira address) as : ermanblabla.erman.com.tr
Consider , we want the clients to access our jira system which is running inside our network, using https://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr:443
Consider , we have a ngnix server running on our reverse proxy server and configured to listen on port 443.
Consider, we have configured our network, so that all the request(that are coming from outside of our network) that are coming to ports 443 and 80 to be redirected to this reverse proxy server.
Consider, a separate Apache is running on this reverse proxy server with nginx and it is listening on port 80.
Lastly, consider, we want our JIRA to be accesses with https and http requests should be redirected to https automatically, but we also want the SSL works to be done by our ngnix proxy server. (not by JIRA-Tomcat itself)

I will give the instructions in a brief format, as follow;
  • First, we change the server.xml of JIRA (Tomcat) -- this is a jira specific configuration file, and it is a JIRA requirement for enabling SSL.
<Service name="Catalina">
<Connector acceptCount="100"
minSpareThreads="25" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="443" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"


  • Then in Jira administration screens; We choose > System, then select "General Configuration to open the Administration page" and then set "Use gzip compression Default: OFF". This is also a jira specific recommandation , as GZIP compression is known to cause performance issues using a reverse-proxy, especially if the proxy is also compressing the traffic.
  • After that, for SSL offloading on Nginx; We create new conf file under nginx/conf.d folder as below and restart Nginx. With this configuration Ngnix server will redirect this url https://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr to http://internal_ip (server that is inside our network and hosting JIRA)
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/erman.pem;     --> the ssl certificates should be already loaded in to this pem file.
ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/erman.pem;  
--> the ssl certificates should be already loaded in to this pem file. 
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
location / {
proxy_pass http://<internal_ip>:8080;    --> forward the request to the Jira Server that is listening on port 8080 with the internal ip.
access_log /var/log/nginx/jiratest.access.log;

  • Then lastly, we add the following configuration to Apache and that's it. Apache will redirect all request from http://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr to https://https://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr (just in case) . So, We edit the conf file under /etc/httpd/conf.d/jiratest.conf  and restart Apache to make the Apache forward all http request coming from port 80 to https:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName https://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr
Redirect "/" "https://ermanblabla.erman.com.tr"

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