Found a quicker way to workaround the issue, that's why revisiting this ->(
Some background info:
This problem is fixed in the Virtual Box Release version 7.0.12.
In the problem-free Virtual box release 7.0.12, they commented that unsupported_hardware line in the default ks.cfg, that is delivered with the Virtual Box. That ks.cfg is automatically used in unattended installation, as you may guess. Therefore, the unattended installation works properly in 7.0.12.
The Quicker Way -> So, If you are still using in 7.0.10, and if you just comment the unsupported_hardware line in the ks.cfg in the relevant directory, which is created on your PC with the Virtual Box installation, then the unattended installation will also work properly. No need for other extra efforts..
Also, it seems inconsistent to both provide ks.cfg in Linux boot and select unattended installation in Virtual Box. One of these should be done.
To boot with the kickstart in the problematic Virtual Box environments, the ks.cfg that comes with the virtual box should be modified (as suggested above) and unattended installation should be selected for the Linux boot. This is the simplest method to kick-start in Virtual Box. Actually, there is "no need" to go into the Linux ISO, repackage it and do any work there. If we select the unattended installation, then the Virtual Box uses its own ks.cfg to kickstart.. Probably Virtual Box has its own boot loader and that's why it is able to do it. I mean, without touching anything Virtual Box starts a kick start installation with its own ks.cfg and we don't need to touch anything in the Linux ISO for this.. (This is just my opinion, I didn't dive too deep about it.. Just saying...)
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